La UE impulsa la investigación penal de los crímenes de guerra en Ucrania
Bruselas pone sus medios a disposición de las fiscalías ucrania y del Tribunal Penal Internacional para sentar en el banquillo a los...
Creating a Shared Language of Genocide Prevention Across the Globe
La UE impulsa la investigación penal de los crímenes de guerra en Ucrania
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French lawmakers officially recognise China’s treatment of Uyghurs as ‘genocide’
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WA condemned for failure to stop ‘cultural genocide’ as Aboriginal heritage law passes
‘Under attack’: Report says repression of rights persists in Asia
Myanmar army helicopter attacks ‘force thousands to flee’
Nurses from 28 countries file UN complaint:
Australia’s Future Fund invested in weapons manufacturers that have sold arms to Myanmar military
As part of the Year of Prevention, the Lemkin Institute will host a series of Friday online symposia highlighting topics with universal relevance to genocide prevention.
Register for each event here.
The Lemkin Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States. EIN: 87-1787869
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