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Erdogan says Turkey has deployed strike drones in occupied northern part


Turkey has deployed strike drones in the occupied northern part, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, Anadolu news agency reported.

He did not rule out new arms shipments to the island. "It is our right." According to him, Turkey's first reaction (to the U.S. decision to lift the arms embargo on Cyprus) was the deployment of strike drones on the occupied part of the island.

Erdogan pointed out that regardless of the decision to establish a military base, the Turkish Air Force aircrafts taking off from Turkish territory today can still reach the island in the shortest possible time. "There is no problem in this matter either," he assured.

He also stated the initiative of the Cypriot President to hold a bilateral meeting. "Nicos Anastasiades [in Prague] insisted on a bilateral meeting. He even got the mediators involved. I responded by reminding him that his term ends in two months. In a situation like this, such an issue is not discussed. I also pointed out that they [Nicosia] are always acting under somebody's orders. And this is not the way things are conducted and will not lead to what they want," Erdogan said.


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