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Militant groups killing civilians in Oromia unabated

At least 30 civilians were reportedly killed after the OLF-Shane group opened fire on villages in the Oromia region

OLF -Shane militants seen in gov’t soldiers uniform. (Photo source : SM)

The group that calls itself Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) – is believed to be the military wing of the radical faction of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) – which is still making military activities in several areas in the region. It is mostly operating in the East Wollega, Horo Guduru and West Shoa areas.

In what appears to be the latest string of attacks, at least 30 civilians are reportedly killed in Horo Guduru and East Wollega Kiramu district.

DW Amharic on Saturday cited that it called residents from the area to report that the area has been under attack for three days in a row starting last Tuesday.

However, the source is linking the attack to what it called groups that came from “other areas” – a description employed to make a reference to FANO. There are sources that the deliberate reference to FANO is aimed at stirring up more enter ethnic violence in the region.

The forces that are described as FANO are in fact Ethiopian Defense Forces deployed to the area with a mission to reverse extensive military operations by OLA.

In Kiramu district, over 20 people are reportedly killed, including security officials.

Residents in the area are cited as saying that the violence led to the destruction of properties too. There was also reported looting of a state-owned bank in the area.

Ethnic Amhara residents in the area say that attack is linked to government forces – not FANO groups.

Thousands of innocent civilians had been killed in the Oromo region of Ethiopia over the past four years.

It is the “Oromo Liberation Army” that is widely operating in the region. This group is said to have links to authorities in the government structures at zone and region levels.

About three days ago, machine gun ammunition was intended to be delivered to the Oromo militant groups. A Mini truck with plate number 3 -A -32761 was caught as it was about to head to the Wollega area from the capital Addis Ababa. Suspects are in custody and the investigation is said to be underway, according to a report by Addis Maleda.


(c) Borkena, 2022



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