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Palestinian Down Syndrome Boy Attacked by Israeli Soldiers in Sheikh Jarrah

Why attack a handicapped boy? This is exactly what Israeli soldiers did in the Sheikh Jarrar neigbourhood of east Jerusalem?

Mohamad Al Ajlouni faces Israeli soldiers [Twitter]

According to reports and videos, Israeli soldiers set upon assaulting a youth with a down syndrome. The handicapped Mohamad Al Ajlouni is caught in the middle of a skirmish between Israeli soldiers, settlers and the Palestinians residence who are fighting evictions from their homes.

This video is graphic in its intensity. Pictures have been circulating on the net of soldiers attacking the boy with the Palestinian residence of the neighborhood trying to stop them with much altercations going on.

Hashtags of the violent incident have been going rife on different social media platforms. These include ( #SaveSheikhJarrah#انقذوا_حي_الشيخ_جراح#Palestinian#فلسطين). There are individual posts on the incident as well.

But attacks by Israeli soldiers are being made on women who are resisting the occupation forces as this video show and this is part on the attack on young Mohammad.

Posts are being made in different languages because of the power of the photo of the Palestinian child and his expression facing the Israeli soldiers.

One simply posted:

Another added this:


(c) 2022, ALBAWABA


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